186 Form: Applicants send relevant documents to International Liaison Office, School of International Education Zhengzhou University in person or via mail. Prof.Yin will verify the documents and complete the 186 Form. After the form is signed by the dean, applicants should pay for the Fedex mailing fee around RMB 310, and the International Liaison Office would mail the documents to the
345 Form: Applicants send their English transcripts together with other documents to International Liaison Office, School of International Education Zhengzhou University in person or via mail. The following procedure is similar to that in the 186 Form Verification.
ECIS Form/327 Form: International Liaison Office, School of International Education Zhengzhou University verifies the received documents and completes ECIS Form. 327 Form is now verified online using the ECFMG online services. Applicants do not need to mail the paper version documents to the Office. Instead, applicants should send their transcripts via email to the office as well as other relevant documents.
MSPE: Applicants contact International Liaison Office, School of International Education Zhengzhou University via email to ask for the MSPE writing sample. After they draft their own MSPE and submit to the office, Prof.Yin would check the authenticity, fine-tune the format and then mail to the
2. Notice
The above information is just for reference. Applicants are suggested to contact relevant institutions for further details. The main task of International Liaison Office is to verify the authenticity of applicants’ degree. It would be appreciated if applicants provide a list of verification requirements.
English transcript inquiry: Applicants bring the ID card or university card to Zhengzhou University Archive which is located in the
Usually the mails should be sent directly from School of International Education Zhengzhou University to overseas institutions. The applicants could track the mails through Fedex tracking No.
The contact person for medical credentials verification is Ms Zhao Pin by email: isaao@zzu.edu.cn, tel: 86-371 66658083. For credentials verification of non-medical program, pls contact Academic Affairs Office.